Scent Systems for Increased Customer Interaction

About Scent Systems for Increased Customer Interaction

Many businesses invest heavily in attractive decor and enticing music to lure customers into their stores or place of business. While these details are important to the overall customer experience, sight and sound alone don’t make a lasting impression on customers. That’s why scent is a great marketing tool that can create an unforgettable impression and inspire people to return.Source:

Benefits of Using Scent Marketing in Business

Scent is the quickest and most effective way to trigger a memory and emotion. A distinctive aroma bypasses cognitive thought and goes directly to the limbic system, which controls emotions, Small Business Trends reports. This unique quality makes scent the ideal marketing tool because people are 100 times more likely to remember something they smell than anything they see, hear or touch. Scents can be subtle or bold, but the key is to find a scent that compliments your business’s identity and matches the mood you want to create.

For example, if you want to draw in shoppers and encourage them to spend more time in your store or place of business, choose a refreshing scent like citrus or pine. Alternatively, if you want to help people relax and unwind after a long day, try calming scents like lavender or eucalyptus.

Another great benefit of scent is that it can eliminate bad odors, which are often difficult to get rid of. Arizona Air-Scent offers a safe and effective odor eliminator called Metazene that eliminates the unwanted odor at the source rather than covering it up with chemicals.…