Fostering is all about making a difference and turning a child’s life around. Foster carers do this by offering a loving home to children and young people who cannot live with their parents and giving them the experience of family life. There are a number of ways to become a foster carer, including with the local authority or an independent agency.URL:
Do you get paid to adopt a child UK?
Independent agencies act as a corporate parent to local authorities and recruit foster carers on their behalf. They also support foster carers with regular meetings, training and workshops. This is an opportunity to hear from other carers and share ideas about the role and what challenges they face.
In addition, IFA’s offer more flexible fees and allowances than their corporate counterparts, allowing them to offer a competitive package to their foster carers. They also provide out-of-hours support from a qualified social worker. This helps to give foster carers peace of mind and confidence that they can discuss any concerns about their placements with someone who knows them well.
A fostering review takes place every three years, or more frequently in the case of significant change/concerns. If the report goes to the fostering panel, the foster carer has the right to see the full report before it is presented and to be present with their supporter at the panel meeting. The fostering service will write to the foster carer to let them know their review outcome. If the decision is to revise the terms of the foster carer’s approval, a representations/review procedure will be followed as set out in Section 6., Proposal to Restrict or Terminate Foster Carers Approval.